3. Elsa Dutton
Elsa Dutton was about as free as any person can be. The daughter of James and Margaret in 1883. Elsa shared a close relationship with James and wanted to be just like him. Seeing this character really shows you the bloodline of how Beth Dutton got to be such a free spirit.
Though Elsa’s story ended in tragedy sometimes it’s not always about the quantity of life you have but the quality in which you live it. Even her father was jealous of the way she lived. During her family’s move out west, she never wanted to be the typical woman. She wanted to ride along with the men and help, and her father James never dared to tell her no. Which drove Margaret absolutely insane. She lived her life the way she wanted to live it, wild and free. Elsa even fell in love twice before her untimely death. She was shot by Lakota warriors and the place she died is the place where the Dutton’s called their home for centuries to come.

2. Beth Dutton
What can you say about Beth Dutton? She is one of the most remarkable women on television today. Though some may find her a little too snide she is hands down the toughest Dutton woman to ever live.
Like Elsa and James, she shares a very close-knit relationship with her father John Dutton. Her mother died in a tragic horse accident when she was young which she felt at fault for, that guilt is something she carries with her. Probably because her mother blamed her just as she died, that is something that still messes her up to this day. She also still reels for having an abortion when she was young that her brother Jamie helped set up which eventually led to her never being able to mother children again.
Beth is fiercely loyal, but only to those who deserve it. If you happen to cross her it won’t end well for you. She loves hard, she plays hard, and she fights hard. Beth is highly successful in business but her heart is the one thing she’s pushed aside until she finally admits the feelings she has for Rip. She is sarcastic, foul-mouthed, feminine but will take on any man and anything that stands in her way.

1. Cara Dutton
Cara Dutton is the matriarch of 1923. She is the wife of Jacob Dutton who came to Yellowstone after the passing of Margaret and Jacob. Together they raised their remaining two children like they were their own. Cara never had children of her own with Jacob but she is a mother to many, even more so than their own.
Cara and Jacob Dutton share the most loving relationship in the Yellowstone universe. To put it mildly, he worships the ground she walks on. A loyal wife who cares for the needs of her husband, as well as the needs of her entire family. She knows what it means to be a rancher's wife. It’s no job for the weak. She is an Irish immigrant who seeks no-nonsense and will kill for her family without a second thought. In this day in time, you won’t find many like her and it makes her one of the most unique characters in the universe.
Cara carries a huge devotion to Spencer Dutton the youngest of James and Margaret. She raised him as her own and for all intents and purposes is his mother. Cara even helps her husband run the livestock commission when he is nearly fatally injured. She does things that are unheard of for a woman in her time. But this Irish badass becomes a heroic trailblazer that all women should aspire to be. She helps the other Dutton women along the way and guides them to be the best version of themselves and carry on the Dutton name with power, grace, and pride.