Yellowstone is back - remembering Beth Dutton's best lines

The wait is almost over. Yellowstone is gracing television screens all over on November 10 and fans can hardly wait. Here's a reminder of the wit of Beth Dutton.
Paramount Network's "Yellowstone" Season 2 Premiere Party At Lombardi House
Paramount Network's "Yellowstone" Season 2 Premiere Party At Lombardi House | Frazer Harrison/GettyImages

Yellowstone is finally back and will be in the living rooms of thousands November 10. The wait has been unbearable for fans all over and some have even grown weary and moved on. For most fans though, the temptation will be too much and the timers will be set, televisions will be on for the comeback of the Dutton family.

Beth Dutton is loved and hated all at the same time, as are most of Taylor Sheridan's characters. Beth has a mind of her own and a relentless character to go with it. She says some of the most iconic lines in television history. Here we examine some of her best comebacks and put downs.

In no particular order, as it would be hard to rank them, here are some of our very favorite lines and scenes.

1. "I know that I am meaner than you. So when you find yourself standing in my way, just know it's the last place you'll ever be standing."

  • This encapsulates Beth Dutton's character completely. She is ruthless and better yet, she means it.

2. "My loyalty's a little different than yours. It doesn't need to be proven."

  • Again, another very defining statement. Throughout the show, people may not like her, but loyalty is not something you would ever question about Beth.

3. "You are the trailer park. I am the tornado."

  • In this scene she has just been warned that she isn't up for the fight ahead. She replies that they have no idea who they are messing with and ends the conversation with the classic quote that no one will ever forget as it is donned on millions of t-shirts.

4. "I don't speak dips*?t."

  • She really can't make it any clearer, can she? On a regular basis she points this fact out.

5. "Every so often you say something that makes me think you are smart, and then I look at you and that though fades."

  • Of course she spews this to Jamie in one of their heated exchanges. He was questioning her and she got the last word - as usual.

6. "I've been down this road many, many times buddy and no one is alive to tell you how poorly that worked out for them."

  • One of the many times that Beth gets her best lines in while sitting at the bar. This was in response to a competitor trying to warn her not the short his stocks.

7. "Where's the fun in wrecking a single man? When I break you I want to know that I am breaking generations."

  • In a classic move, Beth shows up in the home town of a man who had tried to sleep with her even after she had pointed out that he was married. You could see the fear in his eyes when he realized she had come to take him down.

8. "That's a conversation for another time that we'll never have."

  • Here Beth is talking to her future husband Rip and follows it up with, "I'm not starting this day sober," as she goes outside with a cigarette and a bottle of Tito's in hand.

9. "That's not child abuse. This is destruction of property and assault is next. You ready to see that?"

  • This is a classic scene when a woman tries to intervene in Beth's discipline of the boy she adopted. As it turned out, the woman wasn't quite as invested as she thought she was.

Just reminiscing about these quotes should get you ready for more Yellowstone, Dutton action this week. Tune into Paramount plus for the next season of Taylor Sheridan's incredible series.